Welcome to St Andrew's, the Parish Church for everyone in Halstead.

Whether you are exploring faith, a committed Christian, are seeking a quiet peaceful space, or want to mark one of life's milestones, we are here for you.  Details of our services can be found under the Services tab. We offer a range of activities for children and their grown ups, including a midweek toddler group, Kids Church, and Messy Church. Our church building is open most days from 10am til 4pm for you to pop in and reflect or pray.  We welcome enquiries about baptisms, weddings and funerals (and we can officiate at funerals at the crematorium as well as those in church).

For more information, contact the Parish Office (see details below), or see our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you.

Safeguarding: We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website here Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Helena Gee, who may be contacted at church, by email or on 01787 473349.

Get in touch with our parish office here
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Services each month:

First Sunday - 10.15am Kids' Church - games, activities, singing and a story, led by our children's worship team

- 10.30am Morning Worship - hymns and songs, with a talk and prayers, and music led by the organ and choir

Second Sunday - 10.30am Family Service - songs, a short talk, prayers, perhaps some interactive activities, with  music led by our in-house worship band - a relaxed environment where all ages can feel at ease

Third Sunday - 10.30am Morning Worship - hymns and songs, with a talk and prayers, and music led by the organ and choir

Fourth Sunday - 10.30am Holy Communion - a traditional communion service with hymns, a sermon and prayers, with music led by the organ and choir

- 6.30pm for 7pm Ignite - an informal, contemporary service with live music from our band, visiting speakers, and refreshments served beforehand - meets in the church hall

Fifth Sunday - a joint service here or elsewhere with our sister churches - see A Church Near You for details


Every Thursday - 10am Holy Communion - a short service with coffee and conversation afterwards


Please also see our Messy Church page for more family friendly worship activities.


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